Genre: Jeunesse 4 à 7 ans

Pages: 40

Date de parution: 1 December 2017

ISBN (Papier): 9782897500672

ISBN (PDF): 9782897500689

Code: BTN228

Meet Me at Green Gables


Illustré par: Jean-Luc Trudel
Auteur: Michel Bourque

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Also available in French as: Rideau rouge et pignons verts.

A true story of friendship : Gracie and Glenda dream of  singing and dancing on stage. Their dream comes true in  a musical inspired by the novel  Anne of Green Gables !

Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry, two young girls from Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, both dream of being on stage. This is in  the 1960's, just as the Confederation Centre of the Arts opens its doors in their hometown. Gracie and Glenda soon join the new theatre's company of actors and become best friends. To the delight of audiences, they take on the roles of kindred spirits Anne and Diana in the marvelous musical inspired by the novel Anne of Green Gables.

Key words: Anne of Green Gables, Diana, Green Gables, Theatre, Charlottetown, Confederation Centre for the Arts, Prince Edward Island, Song, Dance, Theatre, Stage, Costumes, Queen Elizabeth, Friends

Jean-Luc Trudel

[English follows.]

Le Québécois Jean-Luc Trudel est venu à l’illustration après plusieurs détours: fabricant de vitrail, imprimeur, infographiste… Il a signé chez Bouton d’or Acadie les magnifiques images des titres Le pit à papa (2015), Mémére Soleil, Nannie Lune (2016), Rideau rouge et pignons verts (2017) et Tommy Tempête (2021).


Jean-Luc Trudel, from Québec, became an illustrator after a few detours: he was first a stained-glass artist, a printer, a graphic designer... At Bouton d’or Acadie, he has drawn wonderful photos for the titles Le Pit à papa (Papa’s Pit) (2015), Mémère Soleil, Nannie Lune (My Two Grandmothers) (2016), Meet Me at Green Gables (2017), and Tommy Tempête (Tommy the Storm) (2021). 

Michel Bourque

[English follows.]

L'auteur Michel Bourque habite Charlottetown, à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, en face de Cocagne, au Nouveau-Brunswick, où il a grandi. Il a signé des adaptations en français et en anglais de livres jeunesse comme Les vacances de Claire (Maxine Trottier et Rajka Kupesic, Prix du livre M. Christie) et A Blue So Blue (Jean-François Dumont, Prix Saint-Exupéry). Michel compte parmi les chanceux qui ont pu voir Gracie Finley et Glenda Landry jouer avec brio les rôles d’Anne et de Diana dans la version musicale du célèbre roman de L.M. Montgomery.


Author Michel Bourque lives in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, across from Cocagne, New Brunswick, where he grew up. He has done adaptations of books for youth in French and English, including Les Vacances de Claire (Claire’s Gift) (Maxine Trottier and Rajka Kupesic, Christie’s Book Award) and A Blue So Blue (Jean-François Dumont, Saint-Exupéry Award). Michel was one of those lucky enough to see the brilliant Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry play the roles of Anne and Diana in the musical version of L. M. Montgomery’s famous novel.